Current Finished Books

Keeping 13
Dragon's Lair
Binding 13
Jane Eyre
Once We Were Starlight
I Dare You
The Wrong Family
Muscle Memory
Hate Me
Still Standing
Not My Match
Deep Woods
Sweet Thing
Keep Me Still
Vengeful Queen
Pretty Thing
The Man I Thought I Loved
Tempting Dusty
The Man I Thought I Knew
From Blood and Ash

2021 Favorites

Keeping 13
Binding 13
Keep Me Still
Violent Things (Chaos & Ruin, #1)Violent Things by Callie Hart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

OH HOW I MISSED ZETH!!! He has changed some since Blood and Roses=) Seems a little more domesticated now, which I absolutely LOVE. Envisioning him cutting up a pineapple for Sloane just makes me smile. He is so not the "prepare you breakfast" type guy. He is still VERY intense and hot and all things Zeth but love have definitely changed him! Just as soon as this was about to start getting hairy it ended...GAH I WANT MORE!! Can't wait until the next book comes out. I love all things Callie Hart, Zeth being a HUGE part of that love! Read this and everything else Callie Hart you can get your hands on!

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