Current Finished Books

Keeping 13
Dragon's Lair
Binding 13
Jane Eyre
Once We Were Starlight
I Dare You
The Wrong Family
Muscle Memory
Hate Me
Still Standing
Not My Match
Deep Woods
Sweet Thing
Keep Me Still
Vengeful Queen
Pretty Thing
The Man I Thought I Loved
Tempting Dusty
The Man I Thought I Knew
From Blood and Ash

2021 Favorites

Keeping 13
Binding 13
Keep Me Still
Ride Steady (Chaos, #3)Ride Steady by Kristen Ashley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

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PHENOMENAL!!!! Kristen Ashley ROCKS my world over and over and over!! I haven't met a man of hers yet that I haven't lusted after, wanted to marry, or would do anything for!! These men provoke such strong feelings from me. I get all gooey just thinking about Joker (and his beard)! Funny, since he is such a hardass who doesn't smile and can totally be a jerk. But really aren't those the best kind?? They love their women with a fierceness like no other. Getting them to smile is like trying to win the Olympics, and once you finally get that smile you really DO feel like you just won the Olympics!!!! I loved every single word of this book. I was fully engrossed at the first page. The best thing about KA is she never writes short books. You totally have time to get to know each character and get into their lives. Making you love them even more. I am adding this to my favs of the year list, it was that good! Read this series!!

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