Current Finished Books

Keeping 13
Dragon's Lair
Binding 13
Jane Eyre
Once We Were Starlight
I Dare You
The Wrong Family
Muscle Memory
Hate Me
Still Standing
Not My Match
Deep Woods
Sweet Thing
Keep Me Still
Vengeful Queen
Pretty Thing
The Man I Thought I Loved
Tempting Dusty
The Man I Thought I Knew
From Blood and Ash

2021 Favorites

Keeping 13
Binding 13
Keep Me Still
KultiKulti by Mariana Zapata
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My very first book by Mariana was Under Locke and MAN was it fantastic!! So much so that I got a hard copy for my library! I love her writing style SO much! This was a long-ish book (497 pages according to GR). I wanted to make sure when I started that I had plenty of time to read and get it done! I didn't want any interruptions! It was so hard to put down. I knew going in that this was a "slow build" relationship. I am not opposed to love at first sight, in fact I love love at first sight=) But there is something really really great about a relationship that takes time...lots of time. The story and characters get the attention they deserve! I at no point wished that things would hurry along...I savored every single word! Another fabulous book by Mariana Zapata. Read this!!

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