Current Finished Books

Keeping 13
Dragon's Lair
Binding 13
Jane Eyre
Once We Were Starlight
I Dare You
The Wrong Family
Muscle Memory
Hate Me
Still Standing
Not My Match
Deep Woods
Sweet Thing
Keep Me Still
Vengeful Queen
Pretty Thing
The Man I Thought I Loved
Tempting Dusty
The Man I Thought I Knew
From Blood and Ash

2021 Favorites

Keeping 13
Binding 13
Keep Me Still
Enslaved (The Life of Anna, #1)Enslaved by Marissa Honeycutt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book has been calling to me for a while now! I am ALWAYS in search of a book in the genre that I can be wowed by! I have read so many "slave" types that it tends to get harder and harder to surprise me. I can say this was a total stunner!! I went in blind, as usual. I saw the cover and the title, that's it. I have also never read a Marissa Honeycutt book. If I had I may have known this was also in the "paranormal" genre...WHAT?!?! It came out of nowhere and I kept asking this otherworldly?? It is not at all prevalent and really you might not even know it was pnr. I had to check goodreads to see if I was making it up! Sure enough Marissa Honeycutt writes Paranormal Romance! I probably would never have read this had I known (I loved pnr like every other girl for a while but have just phased it out for the most part!) but let me tell you I am SO INVESTED in this that I could never put it down just for being paranormal. The story is emotional, heartbreaking and so hot at points that it could start a fire! This is written in the 3rd person so you get into everyone's mind and there are a lot of minds to get into. So much going on there is never a dull moment. I am so excited that there are four more books, a LONG series full of feelings...I am in heaven!!!!

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